Any typical home plan can have basically three types of bedrooms.
1) Adult bedroom/master bedroom
2) Teenager bedroom
3) Children bedroom
The decorating theme for all these bedrooms cannot be same because of their functions are different. The age group of people using these bedrooms is different so the basic principles behind using themes vary accordingly.
1) Decorating themes for adult bedroom - A master/adult bedroom is the main bedroom and most of the times biggest in area amongst other bedrooms. the purpose of this space is simply to provide a calm and relaxing mood in the bedroom when the master returns home. This bedroom will have an attached toilet and a balcony in most cases.
The overall theme of this bedroom is designed for maximum comfort using relaxing furniture and cool color schemes. Exciting colors are avoided to avoid too much excitement. This is of course a general rule but the specifics of the design can be easily worked out depending upon the individual requirements.
2) Teen bedroom decorating themes - In these types of bedroom different themes are used for teenage girls and boys. Some ideas can be expressed as follows:
a) Theme ideas for boy's bedroom - Animals, Movie and cartoon characters, Sports celebrities, battle, warriors, planes, castles, cars, Body building, etc.
b) Theme ideas for girl's bedroom - Natural theme such as clouds, flowers, butterfly, waterfalls, rainbows. Story themes such as fairy tales, dolls, wonderlands, etc.
3) Children bedroom decorating themes - For children bedrooms many options are available such as use of baby animals of all sorts and forms. For example a picture of baby elephant can for the shape of a small chair. Many cute looking kids furniture is available in the market today to add beauty to a children bedroom.
Using creative wall hangings in the form of animal shapes can a lively touch to the bedroom. Many more creative options are available if you want to explore the theme into more detail.
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Copyright Samir Joshi
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