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A nautical theme bedroom is great for kids who love anything to do with the sea, pirates, sailing, seashores or just want to have a unique design for their room. There are many approaches to a nautical theme in regards to accessories that can be integrated, but the colour choices are fairly standard and include red, white and blue.
There are many nautical kids bedding comforters and quilts available online, with coordinating accessories such as curtains, area rugs and wall art. With bedding, there are two options. One is to purchase a bedding set which incorporates nautical inspired images, such as ships, lighthouses, boats, anchors, stripes and marine prints. Matching throw cushions can also be purchased. The second option is to is to go with solid colour bedding in shades of blue or white, or a combination of the two, such as a subtle blue and white stripe pattern. White piping can be added around the edges, and throw cushions with nautical themes, or solid reds, whites and blues can also be used.
The next step is to choose the colour of the wall. Although you can use white (preferably an antique white), red, light or navy blue, it should be applied with careful consideration to avoid creating an overwhelming feel. I generally recommend a white wall, as the bedding, wall art, accessories usually adds enough of a colour splash to make the room vibrant. You can use navy blue partway up the wall, with white painted above. Another approach is to paint the room in white with blue trim.
Wallpaper, or nautical theme borders are another popular choice. Blue and white stripes are also complimentary to this design. Murals can be a fun choice. Large murals can be purchased and applied to the walls, or hand-painted directly on the walls. A good idea is to look through books for inspiration. Some suggestions for murals are scenes of the sea or ocean, with sailboats or ships in the distance, sailors, a captain's wheel, anchors, lighthouses, seagulls, seas shells and pirates.
Nautical Theme Bedroom Ideas:
1. You can use paintings or prints of lighthouses, sailboats and other typical nautical objects or scenes. Old photos of lighthouses and boats work well. Images can be taken from magazines or books, cut-out and framed to hang on the wall, or arranged in small groups on dressers. Framed sailing maps, such as antique maps that trace the routes of early explorers provide an interesting touch.
2. Purchase a mural, trace a large circle onto the surface and cut the circle shape out. Apply the mural to the wall, and paint a frame around it to give the impression of a porthole. Large round mirrors can also provide this effect, especially if they have white, blue, silver or red trim.
3. Pillows, blankets and throw rugs that have red, white and blue help add to the nautical feel in the space. Add seashell collections, driftwood, sand-dollars and driftwood.
4. Nautical accessories can include: models of lighthouses and sailboats, sailor flags, anchors and oars, real boat lifesavers, nautical lighting, lighthouse lamps, lighthouse rugs, captain's wheels, nautical clocks, fish netting, wooden trunks, treasure chests, pirate or sailor figurines, seashells, maps, compasses and telescopes.
5. Brown wood furniture, such as a trundle bed, dressers, nightstands, and bookshelves go well with a nautical theme. You can even purchase a boat shaped bed. Another option is furniture in a solid white or whitewashed finish.
6. Another completely different concept for a nautical room, that doesn't involve a red, white and blue colour scheme, is to create a room using greys, sea blue and tan colours. This design approach is great for an older child. Walls can be painted with a sea and sky scene, in subtle blues and greys, or a mural can be applied. Driftwood & rope can be attached all around the bed frame. Place a seagull figurine on top of a bedpost. Use fish nets throughout the room. Neutral carpet colours can depict sand. Fish can be hung by thin rope from the ceiling and throughout the netting. Dressers and other bedroom furniture can be sanded, with a driftwood finish applied. Cranes also work in this driftwood and nautical theme, that resembles a castaway's lair.
I hope you have found these tips helpful. Have fun creating your nautical theme room!
Tracy Svendsen is an interior designer specializing in kid's room design. She attended Montana State and Ryerson University for 6 years, studying interior design, architecture and marketing. She also owns a handcrafted log home company and home decor store. Find 100's of adorable kids bedding designs for girls and boys of all ages at
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