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It's easy to create an ivy and floral bedroom theme when you follow the seven simple steps outlined in this article.
Install an ivy league bedroom wall border. To get your child involved, have them help you choose a soft and clean ivy wallpaper border to hang around her room at the ceiling level. This will start your ivy and floral theme and help to carry it throughout the room.
Create a focal point behind the bed. Create a stunning focal point in the bedroom by installing a white wood trellis with soft arches on the head board wall behind the bed. For additional customization, the trellis should be installed several inches out from the wall so that you have adequate room for decorating it.
Use silk ivy to decorate the trellis. Weave the silk ivy and any additional coordinating floral that you would like into the trellis openings. Make the ivy and flower accents appear that they have grown up over the trellis.
Find a soft floral print bedding. Coordinating bedding will help bring the floral and ivy theme to life. Chose a bedding style that has a soft floral print in colors that your daughter will enjoy for years to come. It's best to make sure that the bedding has a touch of green so that it coordinates with your ivy accents.
Create window treatments out of coordinating fabric. A soft layered balloon valance would be a beautiful addition to your room decor and would soften the lines of the room, but the point is to carry the floral pattern up to the windows to carry out your theme.
Use white paint to spruce up bedroom furniture. To help the furniture coordinate with your room decor you can add green accents to such as green knobs, or paint the crown moulding or edging of the furniture green for a customized look.
Complete the design with decorative accessories. You can purchase inexpensive room decor accents to finish off your room such as silk topiaries, ivy plants and silk flowers for display on shelves and dressers. Use sun catchers in floral themes on the windows and dressers that come in contact with light. Place a decorative lamp with a gingham shade on the nightstand next to the bed.
Any of these seven ideas, or all of them, make easy and affordable alternatives to creating an ivy league bedroom decor.
By the way, if you've enjoyed this article and are interested in completing this theme in your home, be sure to check out the many styles of children's wallpaper available at [] to get you started.
From Tammy Billings, the Wallpaper Home Decorating Blog Author, Interior Designer and Owner of []
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