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If you have ever owned a home, you may plan to have some home improvement tasks for the bathroom after some time of stay. While a lot of us are unfamiliar with how to go about, that doesn't mean we cannot start our very own DIY projects. Let us take a look at some of the ideas that to liven up that bathroom of yours.
If your bathroom looks old and lifeless, there are actually quick and easy fixes to liven the appearance of your home almost instantly. Consider replacing floor covering, throw on a new paint of coating, or getting new sets of bathroom towels and a new shower curtain. They simply give life to any bathroom instantly.
When getting bathroom towels, you can choose deeper colors or the ones with patterns. Even though white displays some form of elegance, the color is already too commonly used in most bathrooms. If you think out of the box, any bathroom accessories like bath towels, bath robes, bath mats and such can be used for decorative purposes. All you need to do is to match them correctly with the main bathroom decoration and importantly, choose colors that will not make you bored after a while.
If your bathroom is large enough, you can consider placing plants at some corners for a greener and natural look. Take note to get the ones which have higher tolerance to light and high humility. On top of that, install decorative lighting fixtures on the walls and ceiling, putting dimmer light switches and using some beautifully hand-crafted baskets for your bath accessories. Paint the walls or plaster with them with tiles to match your bathroom theme.
On the contrary, if the bathroom is not large enough for so many bathroom accessories, try to create some areas yourself. For example, installing shelves on the walls for larger storage and aesthetical bathroom displays or you could simply place a full-height cabinet at the side showcasing all your beautiful bath sets.
After all that has been completed, it is vital that you take the effort to maintain the bathroom's cleanliness. After all, it is probably one of the easiest places at home to get dirty especially mold build-ups after a hot shower. Make an effort to clean at least once a week by scrubbing the walls and tiles, mirrors and such. Never reuse bath towels for more than 3 days as it can be very dirty very easily.
Decorating your bathroom has never been easier mixing and matching the variety of bath sets with the right decoration. Put in some time and effort in search of bath accessories to give your bathroom a new lease of life now.
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