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Bathroom wall tiles can play a crucial role in decorating a bath as they can make it look luxurious. If you are thinking that remodeling your bathroom would be an expensive project then you need to revisit your assumption. Now tiles are not as costly as they were a few years ago. The price of these smooth and polished pieces has been drastically reduced by the manufacturers to make more sales. Also there are retailers that offer lucrative discounts on selected varieties. One can shop around and get the best deal on slabs. For discounted pieces, one should visit online stone and tiles shop.
Measure your bathroom right from the entrance to the shower and determine which size and color of slabs will suit your bath area. Usually dark colored bathroom wall tiles are suitable for big baths and light colored pieces are perfect for medium and small baths. But no such measurement is available that can specify which is big bath and which is small. It is left on the conscience of the home owner to decide whether his bath is big or small. You can compare your bath area with other rooms and determine whether your bathroom is big or small.
Tile the biggest wall in your bathroom first. Generally it is the shower wall that is the biggest of all the four walls in a bathroom. Choose a theme for this impressive structure. An ocean side theme with bathroom wall tiles featuring seashells on them would be the best. If you want to ornate this wall more then choose hand painted ceramic slabs that look like wall mural when installed on the wall. Hand painted pieces can be expensive, but they are worth the price. For the biggest wall, choose glitter grout or colored grout that will give the impression as if each slab is bordered individually.
After completing the big wall, you can turn to medium and small walls and decorate them in different themes. For small walls, you can choose mosaic, ceramic or marble bathroom wall tiles. Remember that all the tiles in your bathroom should be compatible with each other. You can give different themes to different walls, but you can't change the pattern and design of the tiles as it will mar the look of the entire bathroom. Once the bathroom remodeling project is complete, you can calculate how much you spend on decorating your bathroom.
Jason Colling is a renowned writer who has written articles on various interior designing techniques related to floor decor. His articles focus on various uses of tiles, Adhesive and grout. Know more about Bathroom Tiles Idea and Bathroom Wall Tiles.
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