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As a homeowner, you may decide that you want to remodel your bathroom. What are your reasons for having a bathroom remodeled? Many homeowners would simply like a change. You may be tired of the way that your bathroom looks. Slapping a new coat of paint on the walls will change the look of the bathroom, but it may not be enough, after all, it's the same bathroom, just a different color. Now, in some cases, a simple paint job, or a new sink may do the job. But in other cases, changing the theme or decor of your bathroom may be a better option, and have more impact.
If you choose to change the theme and decor of your bathroom, ideally, it should be done instead of a complete remodeling, or after the bathroom has been remodeled. If you change the decor of your bathroom before you remodel, you may find less of a need to remodel. If you decide to remodel, you can then match the fixtures to the new decor. If you change the decor after remodeling, you can buy bathroom decor to match the new fixtures.
Your local home improvement store will have bathroom accessories in many different styles. You can find faucets, toothbrush holders, towel racks, and more in country themes, chrome, brushed metal, and many other different styles and finishes to match any decor. Likewise, you can find shower curtains, bathmats, and towels in many colors and themes. Garage sales, flea markets, Craigslist, and eBay may be good places to find some wall art to match your theme and decor.
Choose your bathroom's theme and decor according either to the existing fixtures or the fixtures that you plan to have in the bathroom. Sleek, modern looking brushed metal accessories would look out of place next to a claw foot tub. Likewise, old fashioned looking accessories wouldn't go well with a modern vessel sink. This is just a guideline, though. If you choose, you can mix and match accessories and fixtures according to what looks good to you. But in general, a room will look better if everything looks like it belongs together. It doesn't have to completely match, but there should be a common theme or decor tying things together.
You don't need to go all out to change the decor of your bathroom. You can go and buy bits and pieces as you can afford it. Go to the store, and buy a toothbrush holder and soap holder, and place them on the counter. At another time, you may see some wall art that would look good on your wall. Buy it, and hang it up. Another time, you may see a bathmat and shower curtain that will fit the decor. Changing the look of your bathroom doesn't have to be done all at once. In fact, you may find that you have one theme in mind, but things will evolve as you change the look of the room, and you'll end up with a totally different, but still pleasing theme.
So, if you're tired of the look of your bathroom, consider changing the theme or decor. It is much less expensive than a complete remodel, but can change the look of your bathroom completely.
Visit Bathroom Remodeling & Decorating for more bathroom decor tips and resources.
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