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But what if you have a rather small bathroom? How can you turn that into a relaxing retreat and how can you do it on an even smaller budget? These tips will help you get wet in style without breaking the bank.
Tricks of the Light - One easy way to transform a small bathroom is to employ a few clever tricks to create the illusion of space. Remove those old hanging light fixtures and replace them with wall or recessed lighting, it opens the room right up.
Let the Sun Shine In - Adding a skylight can make even the smallest bathroom feel more spacious and lighten the whole space up naturally. Small bathrooms are actually ideal candidates for a different kind of skylight- a sun tube. Sun tubes cost much less than ordinary skylights, install in 2-3 hours, and are leak-proof and storm tested.
No More Shower Curtains - Another way to make a small bathroom appear larger than it really is is to replace that bulky (and often rather inefficient) shower curtain with glass shower doors. Getting rid of all that material is an instant space-maker and allows you a little more leeway when decorating the rest of the room since you do not have to match other accessories to the shower curtain any longer. Plus, if you buy a shower door that is frameless, there won't be any delineating lines and edges that tend to chop up a space.
Simple is the Key - A small bathroom needs to be as clutter free as possible. Get rid of the magazine rack by the toilet. There is no room for pot plants or plungers to be just sitting around doing nothing. Try to keep the floor as open as possible, investing in new bathroom cabinets to keep everything organized if necessary.
Ursula K Rose
Renovation Experts USA
Renovation Experts USA
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