By Pieter West
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Your bathroom is generally the smallest room in your house. But, doesn't that seem strange considering all of the things you do in that tiny space? You need room to get ready in the morning, counter space, cabinet space, and a nice bath and shower, plus numerous other things. So, why are we settling for less? Although it's not economical to completely rip out your old bathroom and start fresh, it is feasible to install a new, space efficient tub. Small corner bathtubs are just that, economical and feasible.
Small corner bathtubs fit into the corner of choice in a bathroom and are space sufficient. If you're worried that you may lose your shower in exchange for one of these small bathtubs, fear not! Many come with a shower unit attached and if not that problem is an easy fix. Installing a separate shower head and possibly some stall doors is a simple addition. A separate shower head can be place on the wall just above the tub.
Considering small corner bathtubs does not mean you are eliminating a good bath. Sure, they are smaller in length than your standard five foot bath tub, but they do not sacrifice your bathing experience. Most small bathtubs are shorter while being much deeper, while your standard tub is longer but normally quite shallow. Due to the depth of small corner bathtubs, your whole body will be submerged in water, but in a different way than you're used to. In standard bathtubs you must lay horizontally to be fully covered with hot water. But, in small corner bathtubs you sit upright (many newer tubs come with a seat built in for added comfort) and you will be in water up to you neck. This ensures you will ascertain a full body soak, which is far more relaxing.
Small tubs are a very popular choice for many home owners and potential remodelers, which raise the demand for them higher. Because of this, many new makes and models are available. Not only are there many different types to choose from, there are now many colors as well. You can match practically every bathroom to a coordinating corner bathtub, so have no worries about whether or not you'll be able to match your interior decorations.
Many small bathtubs are made from fiberglass. This material is quite easy to clean, which is another plus when considering making a purchase. Fiberglass is easy to mold, so it's safe to say you can find a small corner bathtub in just the right dimensions, or have one made (this route may be a bit more expensive).
Dealing with a plain old tub can be a thing of the past. Some small corner bathtubs are available with jet or whirlpool styles. So, not only can you have a spa like experience in your tub, you can also get a massage! Concerned about prices? Many small bathtubs are much cheaper than your regular size bathtubs. This is great because you'll have some extra cash lying around, and who doesn't want that?
Small corner bathtubs make complete sense when it comes to making a decision on a new tub. They free up space while holding close to the same amount of water as traditional tubs, are cheaper than most regular size tubs, are shower unit attachable, and come in a variety of choices. Do some research, you'll find just what you're looking for!
Need more advice on Extra Small Bathtubs? Visit our website at to find expert advice, reviews and great information on a range of bathroom products, including the amazing Small Corner Bathtubs
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