Creating the perfect bedroom in which you can relax in and feel revived after a good nights sleep in the morning is what most of us aspire to achieve. Sometimes it is just the smallest of touches required to enhance the look and feel of a bedroom and then there are other times when a complete overhaul is required.
Gaining inspiration for creating your ideal bedroom can be confusing with so many magazines devoted to transforming homes into interior design projects, there comes a time when you need to put the magazines down and get writing. The idea of creating your perfect bedroom is down to personal taste, you need to write a list of all the things you would want to see in your room in the morning, or what you don't want to see, such as clutter or clothing strewn all over the place.
Once you have compiled a list of all the colours you like, the bedroom furniture you need and the colour of the wardrobes and the drawers. You will have a clearer idea of where to progress with your re-design, this is where those magazines come in and you will need to grab a pair of scissors.
All those images, which relate to your idea of a perfect bedroom, need to be cut out. Use these images, discard the ones that would look good but are totally impractical for your lifestyle and keep the ones, which are ideally suited. Grab a sheet of A3 paper and begin to draw the layout of your room, place the images of wardrobes and drawers in the positions you would like, with the focal point being the bed, think about walkways, will there be enough room to walk around your bed or do you need to rethink the size of the bedroom furniture you are wanting to use.
You also need to consider your budget, as a complete overhaul on your bedroom is a costly enterprise, however are there pieces of furniture in your bedroom currently which could be re-used, if there is, maybe all they require is a lick of paint or maybe covered with laminate to make them look as good as new. However, if the only option is to buy new bedroom furniture then shop around and research the companies you are buying from. If buying online try and see if you can be sent samples of the finish used on the furniture, this way you can make a confident choice in your purchase.
By following these few easy rules you will be on the way to creating your perfect space. With your design in front of you, you will be able to see the colours you love, the textures you adore and the furniture you will cherish.
Riley Coleman is an experienced interior designer specialising in modern bedroom furniture and designing home offices. She has a passion for writing and is a keen on the idea of combining the home and the outside. She also works for a bedroom furniture retailer.
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