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Advice for Kids and Teens (and Parents too!) Down-to-Earth and Fun
Kids bedroom furniture is an eclectic mix of items and as well as the usual beds and dressers, you can also find storage boxes and toy boxes for younger kids as well as book cases, entertainment centers, and even things like coat stands and storage buckets. One of the key things to designing a child's bedroom is to have fun and let your imagination run away with you because the kids room is the one room of the house where you really can get away with just about anything that you want to.
1 - Toddler Bed
Once your son or daughter gets too big for the crib or they start to venture up the sides of the crib it's time to advance to a new bed. A toddler bed is smaller than a standard bed and can offer safety through the addition of safety rails at the side. The toddler bed allows your child the freedom to get in and out of bed without you having to worry that they've rolled out. It is also smaller than a standard size bed and you may even be able to use your existing crib mattress saving money and effort finding a new one.
2 - Kid's Bed
Alternatively, you may choose to go straight to a kid's bed or standard size bed. These are often taller than a toddler's bed though so you should be sure that your son or daughter has the confidence and ability to climb in and out unaided. Remember that they may be a little shaky and dazed first thing in the morning when they try to climb out and accidents can happen although obviously they hopefully won't.
3 - Dressers
Storage is important. It provides a home for everything in the bedroom and it encourages your child to tidy up. Dressers are an integral facet of kid's bedroom furniture that you should include as one of the first items on your shopping list when designing a room for your son or daughter. They can be designed in a classic or contemporary style and are available in a gamut of colors so you can get exactly the look that you want.
4 - Other Storage
Dressers are only one range of storage available as kid's bedroom furniture. Toy boxes are ideal for younger kids although as they get older and start to reach their teen years they may feel that a toy box is a little young for them. Cupboards, drawers, lockers, and even benches with built in storage can all be added to a child's bedroom for functionality and effect.
5 - Accessories
Every child is different and this means that every parent has different requirements when designing a child's bedroom. Every room also has different dimensions and this is something to bear in mind. For those with plenty of space, consider a play table as a great addition. If your space is limited then you might want to opt for items like revolving book cases that take up minimal room but offer a very good amount of storage for essential items.
Kid's bedroom furniture from My Urban Child is an extensive collection of important, beneficial, and beautiful looking items. From beds to dressers and book shelves to coat stands we have every item you need at
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