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The bedroom is a place to sleep so that the body and mind can have a rest and be ready for the next day. The colour and consequent decorations are to follow this functional requirement. This main necessity is for the person to get a good night's sleep and so that he can be refreshed. No more and no less.
I have seen many dramatic images in photo shoots or client presentations. This drama attracts attention for the job rather than for the benefit of the person sleeping in the bedroom. This article is about getting the best results for the reader and no more.
As it is about a sleeping or resting person, the balance of yin and yang energies would favour the yin more than the yang.
Bright colours like red, yellow or white are very yang. When they are the predominant colour in the room (on the walls and the bed clothes), the person will find the place active. Therefore, difficult to sleep. It is too yang.
Sober colours like dark black, purple or blue are very yin. When they are the predominant colour in the room (on the walls and the bed clothes), the person will find the place very still. The place might be good to sleep but there will be difficulty in waking up. The bedroom is too yin.
The ideal colours are the pastel earth tones; like beige or magnolia. There are countless shades in the paint shop. These colours are to be used as the predominant colour. The earlier mentioned colours can be used as a component to match the predominant colour. In this combination, the "loud" or extreme effect is minimised.
Totally white walls are considered too bright and therefore, too yang.
Motifs and Designs on the bed clothes:
Dramatic or active, violent or big and "loud" images are not suitable for the bedroom. It is preferred to have small and subtle designs which symbolise rest and harmony. Floral or small geometric patterns are preferred.
The suggested colour of the bedclothes is white (cleanliness) or the pastel shades.
Colour and designs can affect the emotions. In fact they are very powerful tools. In the bedroom, we want peace and harmony for resting body. Therefore, we use colours and designs so that the human body can get the necessary rest.
The preferred colours for the walls are earth tones in their pastel shades. Should there be any designs, they should be small and un-dramatic.
The main focus of feng shui is the person and how the person is affected by the environment. Therefore, this article is about getting the right environment to give the person what they need. In this case, get better rest or sleep.
Feng shui is a Chinese system of land management which developed with rise of Chinese civilisation, more than 40 centuries ago. It is about using the natural energies in the living environment (homes, buildings, towns and cities). This is to make the living space conducive for people to have the appropriate behaviours to attain better health, wealth and happiness.
(c) Copyright - Dr Michael Oon. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Dr Michael Oon's mission is to help people improve their lives. He is an expert and consultant in feng shui Michael, based in the UK, was chosen and trained in the traditional manner by Shyan Tseng. The training, of more than 10 years, includes the time and space aspects of feng shui, face reading, destiny analysis (bazi) and divination methods (qimen dunjia, da liuren). For an ebook "Feng Shui Top Tips" click here.
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